Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tooth Fairy to the Tueller House Please!

Dani woke up one morning really complaining about her back tooth hurting. I thought to myself...oh great she has a cavity, but I buy her lots of Hannah Montana and High School Musical toothpaste and tooth brushes. Why is this tooth hurting? I take her to the dentist that same cavities! The dentist discovered that some of her bigger permanent molars were coming in top of the wrong baby molars and absorbing the roots. It can be we decided to have the big fat baby molars pulled out. Dani was a real trooper! Just look at those babies. Needless to say the tooth fairy left her a five dollar bill under her pillow that night. (I know that is a lot of money when most of us only got a quarter/tooth..inflation right.) or I think some how the tooth fairy knew what Dani went through to get those suckers to come out. FYI The tooth she just lost and is STILL lost while eating a bagel only received a dollar.


Cari said...

I totally forgot doing the tooth fairy thing with Max twice! I finally just said, "Oh, get my purse!" and I gave him money and told him the truth. My poor younger kids!

I'm glad Dani's feeling better! Those looked like hard teeth to have pulled!

Megan said...

Oh I don't miss those days at all. What a trooper!