Monday, August 25, 2008

Walmart Trip #9,994,532

If you ever wonder what it's like to shop with three kids in ya go. Walmart sees a lot of the Tueller grocery budget every month. Three growing kids with healthy appetites make this store the wisest one stop shop. You wonder why the shelves look bare in the back ground. No it's not that we have bought the store out. It is that our favorite store is remodeling. After we visit the toy department though it is time to get down to business and get the groceries. After finding what's on our list and telling the kids that can't have everything they want. I make my way to the check out and then out to the car to load up...I'm sweating. It's a lot of work!


Cari said...

We were laughing so hard at that last picture! Brock's expression is hilarious! And I love how Mia looks like "See what I have to deal with!" Shopping with children is so much fun!

cynthia said...

All the things I have to look forward to :) I was hoping by the time my kids come along, a sure fire easy way to do things, like shopping, with kids would be invented...I won't hold my breath but I can wish, right? :)

By the way, I love the new family photo. Did Kimberly do them? I wish I could take some lessons from that girl!