Yes it's official, Dani is a Kindergarten Graduate. The event came filled with pomp and circumstance and an adorable musical program. Her teacher, Miss Sorenson made costumes for the kids to wear during their performance of the Mexican Hat Dance. Dani tells us her skirt was "radical red". Don't worry we got the whole dance on video. She also had a special singing part in the the song "tingolao, come little donkey come". She performed beautifully! First Grade here we come!
Congrats to Dani!!! Wow, that's great. Just seems like last year she was 2. Yikes, we're getting older!!
Welcome to the world of blogging. I'm just finally getting into it too! It's great - especially if you have kids!
Blogging is addicting, I agree. The pictures of your kids are adorable! Did you do them?? They are great!
What a sweet little family! I wish your little gang was closer in proximity to mine. Dani and Olivia would have HOURS of cooking fun! Olivia just informed me that she read one whole book in less than two days. Thanks for getting this blog going. You have a darling family and I'm glad to count you as one of my most "ENDURING" friends! It's been 16 years Stacey Lee!
Yeah for Dani. I better keep in touch with you guys because one day she's going to be more famous than Rachel Ray. It's good to see pictures of you guys and the new little one. How fun!
Keep in touch.
Angela Rose
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